January 2019 Newsletter

lamp           The Lamplighter

The Newsletter of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Conover NC

January                                                                               2019

MCj02421570000[1] FROM THE PASTOR

Happy New Year! The new church year already started. It started with the first Sunday of Advent (Dec. 2, 2018). So, our current Gregorian calendar changes now in the middle of the second season of the church year Christmas. The twelve days of Christmas bring with them time for reflection and end with the Epiphany (which means an appearance or manifestation of God). For many the Epiphany, January 6, is the celebration of the magi visiting the Christ child. One question that surfaces this time of year revolves around making room: room for the new toys or gadgets—what needs to be cleaned out to make room? Room for the new gym membership—how will my time shift? Room in the inn—for family, for new resolutions, for Christ?


Where is your faith in action, serving others? (Galatians 5:1-15)

Who is my neighbor? (Luke 10:25-37)

Are you in worship at least weekly? (Hebrews 10:19-25)

How are you engaged by scripture? (Romans 12:2)

What growing edges is God working on in you? (John 18:25-27 and John 21:15-17)

Where are you saying “no” to God and why? (Matthew 21:28-31)

Where do you sense joy in the journey with Jesus? (John 15:11)

Do I need to buy this? (Luke 3:10-11)

Whom shall I serve this day? This year? (Joshua 24:14-15)

Where do our “bumper sticker” theologies not match up to our day to day drive? (See cartoon.)

  1. are but some of the questions we could ask as the year ends and begins, as we await the fullness of the manifestation of God and the fullness of salvation.


Peace and the blessings of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with you all.

Pastor Russell Makant


DESCRIPTION: Man driving car with Jesus in the passenger seat.  Jesus is reaching for the radio.  Bumper stickers reads








Jan. 6		  Epiphany Sunday
Jan. 9		*Senior’s Christmas Luncheon (11:45 AM)
Jan. 14	  	  Church Council meeting (6:30 PM)
Jan. 20	  	  January Newsletter info DEADLINE
Feb. 4		*Life Worth Living presentation at LRU (7 PM)

*See Notes for More Information




















FREE Movie Night

The first movie night for the year will be Saturday, January 12. There will be a potluck at 5:30 PM with the movie beginning once everyone has been served. After the movie will be a 15 minute discussion period. These films are free and family friendly. We invite you all to attend and invite your friends.


Seniors Group News

The Seniors Group will be having their monthly luncheon in the fellowship center Wednesday, January 9 at 11:45 AM. A free-will offering will be taken to cover the expenses of the meal. All members of the congregation 60 years of age and older, and their guests, are invited to attend. Please RSVP by Sunday, January 6.


Congregational Meeting Wrapup

The Congregational Meeting that was originally scheduled for December 9 but was postponed due to snow was held following worship on December 30. The following members were elected to terms on the Church Council: Joyce Baker, Barbara Hefner, Anita Huffman, and Ralph Huffman. The spending plan for 2019 was also passed. Thanks go out to Carol Allen, Joyce Hefner, Nick Huffman, and Edna Miller for their service over the past two years and to Janet Hawn for completing Carol Allen’s term.


Guest Speaker at LRU

Marlon F. Hall, a storyteller and anthropologist, will be at Grace Chapel on the Lenoir Rhyne campus at 7 PM on February 4 to speak on Life Worth Living. The talk is free to the public.




1/2 - Gary Deal 1/7 - Ronald Craig

1/13 - Landon Eckert 1/19 - Kay Bumgarner

1/ 21 - Jeff Dellinger 1/29 - Michael Propst

1/30 - Lana Craig



1/16-Bill & Lynn Henson



Serving This Month (January)

Ushers – Alea Sigmon, Allen Hefner, Amnee Grant, Amy Sigmon

Reader– Joyce Hefner

Offering Counters – John Bumgarner, Ralph Huffman

Flowers – 1/6, 1/13 - OPEN; 1/20 – John Bumgarner;

1/27 - OPEN.




Also note that you can now find the newsletter on our website www.stlukesconover.org